Saturday, August 21, 2010

Progress Photos: Day Lily Lamp

Working in Leaded glass offers a new set of color opportunities. Here are some progress photos of the Day Lily lamp, as of 8/19/2010

Some variagated glass I'm using 
Using a rudimentary light table for variagated glass 
is a useful way to transfer the pattern for cutting

Kate with 30 sec. light table

Plan View of lamp.  Each glass panel
will be 7" wide X 11.33" high
 (Golden Mean proportion)
The total frame height is 15 1/2" tall.

Working from the center outward works best 
when leading the panel!
This is the fun part
as the design comes alive.
Checking the newly cut wood frame before 

Panels ready for soldering and caulking.  
Mahogany frame ready for transparent stain. 

Completed lamp.  I need to make chain
 suspension adjustments for level presentation. 

My initial 
image of the lamp 
is almost there!

(Final photos to have lower wattage bulb.)